Hey babes, Follow and support my (with two of my bestests) Twitter Account: @NYdopedeals It's tweets about sales&deals in Fashion, Music, and Travel throughout New York Area.
Please inform others, word-of-mouth strategy still works in this globalization era! :)
As most of you have known that my birthday is coming up on April 21! I was just thinking, instead of you buying me lovely presents (which I’m sure most of you will. lol!), why don’t you donate and support Valentino Achak Deng Foundation as an alternative! I want to invite you joining me in helping to build schools in Southern Sudan. Due to civil war between the North and the South, Sudan has been torn to pieces. This affect in their education system! So let’s rebuild Southern Sudan and encourage Sudanese children to attend school, become educated!
Below is a link to Valentino Achak Deng Foundation web page where you can make an online contribution. You may go to “Donate” at the center of the page and fill out the necessary information. You may write follow up email to info@valentinoachakdeng.org letting them know that you donate in honor of Aisha Parlindungan’s Birthday. (If you want to remain anonymous, that’s fine with me.)
If you prefer to make your donation by mail, you may make a check payable to Valentino Achak Deng Foundation and submit it to me. Once I receive all of the checks, I will mail them out myself. Please indicate in your correspondence or on your check if you are making a ONE-TIME GIFT or if you want to become a Recurring Donor (The payment will repeat on a monthly recurrence on an ongoing basis.)
However, if you wish to mail the check on your own, below is the address:
The Valentino Achak Deng Foundation 849 Valencia St. San Francisco, CA 94110
Personally, education is very essential in every area of my life. I have worked and juggled multiple jobs to pay my own college tuition which is a very hard thing to do! (Especially, if you have other responsibilities to look after) These children in Southern Sudan do need your help.
Every amount, no matter how small, makes a difference and provides hope for these children. I would not have any access to maintain the donation, so I would appreciate it if you inform me once you contribute to Valentino Achak Deng Foundation. Thank you for all of your support and kindness. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart ...and Happy Birthday to me! :) :) :)
Call me insane, but I do love love love the kids show on Nick Jr. called YOGABAGABA!
Have you ever listened to the songs and music in the show? It's pretty hip and trippy for young kids. I mean, they have lineups and variety of guests like MGMT, CHROMEO, THE SHINS, OF MONTREAL, LADYTRON and even the genius CORNELIUS appeared on the show! holleeyy guacamoleeyy! I was pretty surprised that Chromeo didn't play the "Nice N' Clean" song when I watched their concert two summers ago.
Honestly, I can't wait for YO GABA GABA's next LIVE tour in the Big Apple! I wanna do the dancey dance with Brobee, DJ Lance Rock, Muna, Foofa, Toode, and Plex! I've been practicing the peanut butter stomp dance and Mini Spinney in front of the mirror as my morning exercise! haha Creepy? yeah I KNOW!
Because I'm just soo nice of a person, I'll present you several YO GABA GABA videos (It's hard to choose when I like most of them!) acquired from Youtube:
I Found Love
The Shins - It's OK Try Again
uhh uhhh, have you ever heard the song "Australia" by The Shins? I super like it!
Ladytron - Use Your Mind
I missed Ladytron gigs when I was in London. Looking forward for their next show!
The Roots - Lovey Love My Family
I have a picture (in which I framed) with Quest Love, I also follow him on Twitter. Creepy? Yeah I KNOW!
So whatcha think about YO GABA GABA? I wish I was seven again! I totally would ride my bicycle while shuffling Yo Gaba Gaba soundtracks on my Ipod playlist. Geez, kids these days! :)
Do you know Evita Nuh? If not, ohh thiss is the right time to get to know her as much as we should have! She's a fantastic fashion blogger, has a lovable personality, and not forgot to mention ummm I don't know how to put it in words.. she's several years younger than the legal age in the US. but but but, she's adorable! and that's all that matters! :)
So, what's the big shake bout her? she's having a giveaway contest in which open worldwide! (talking bout Globalization)! I guess for all of y'all who's currently living outside her native country, Indonesia, are able to participate in this contest. (she's willing to ship items to Iceland if she has to.. ) well, with a bit of exaggeration!
BIENVENUE! welcome to my myriad rainbows of life...
I have always been fascinated by DANCE, MUSIC, and ART! also have a penchant for colorful/bright things.
Among my ever-growing list of wishes and desires, I'm coveting Daphne Guinness's closet! Also, I'm yearning to move to Africa soon! Hope I'll have enough savings to make it come true (really really soon)!