Tuesday, June 29, 2010


top left to bottom right: Nams, Ntans, Ems, Wins,Chas, Kaths, Shars, Mischs, Sefs.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Batik, Red Dress

Yo..Yo..Yo.. check it out Yo...
It was 12 midnight-ish.
My mum kinda loose her sense of time cuz of she was famish.
She started dressing me up to relive her youth as a trendy voguish.
(Oh, Dear GOD.. This is why I can't be a rapper!)

My mum is always known as one of the creative bunch in my family, this "dress" was made out of 1 long fabric (called Batik) wrapped around my body:
...and yes, it required handful of pins...

My mum designed and made this red sabrina dress, I added a huge bowtie red belt.
geez,I look like an 8 year old girl in a wedding:


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Decision... Decision...

What makes you pick the right man? Have you ever felt that you chose the wrong one?
We (girls et boys) have many options to pick our mate. We are presented with too too too many options (DUH! the human population is estimated to be over 6billion people!)
Now, the question is simple: "What type of boyfriend would you choose?"

Type 1:

Nerdy-loyal-kind-loving-attentive-devoted Boyfriend

Type 2:

Badass-spontaneous-ladiesman-rebellious-goodhearted Boyfriend
note: Do you like the guitar next to the Kit-MAN?

What type of boyfriend would you choose?
grrrr... Decision, Decision!


Letter A, the beginning of Alphabet!

sexy "A" ...

... conjured up this sexy person by the name of AISHA !

Friday, June 18, 2010

missing Mr. P!

Hey Guys,

I really really miss my Boyf! I haven't seen him in ages since he lives miles away from me. :(
Yes, we do have ups and downs.. Yes, we're not the perfect couple.. Yes, we fight then makeup..
but with these experiences come a fruitful relationship.

I'd like to share some of my personal pictures captured in various places:

This is me and boyf when he first introduced himself to me.

This is my face whenever my boyf dissaproves of my action. (do you think a little-cute-pouty-face will work on someone like my Boyf? NOPE! always FAIL!)

This is me daydreaming about my Boyf when he's faraway in Bing-Bing Land!

This is me and Boyf on my Graduation day at Madison Sq. Garden
and last but not least.. This is the badass girlfriends whom always there for me thru thick or thin.. (Two live in BK, One lives in Times Sq., One lives in 1st Ave, Three in Queens, One in Bing, One in Aussy, One in Bali.)

PS: ...credited to Shrek the movie
xx: 'Sha