T.G.I.(double).F!!!!!!!!!!!! translation: Thank God Its Freakin' Friday...!
I just want to shout it out loud on a busy street!
I've been caught up at work and desperately need a "ME" time.. (though I went to Europe already to kinda rejuvenate myself... but I want another vacation! ARGH.. the irony of human nature... we never can be satisfied with what we have..)
Anyhow.. aside from my constant nagging about "Time-Off".
I want to remind you guys... (coz, I'm pretty sure most of you aware of it already) about the cherry blossom event at Brooklyn Botanical Garden which will take place this weekend May 2-3, 2009! Ticket prices are $12 (Adult) and $6(Seniors & Students).
The weekend-long Sakura Matsuri festive will be filled with over 50 performances and events from traditional Japanese music/dances to J-POP Djs and Modern dances.
I totally missed the Japanese celebration last year, and looking forward to the event! Bunch of my friends went there and had a lovely picnic under a pinkish cherry tree! (Apperently, they took lots lots lotsa pictures!) erghhh.. I envy them..! So, this time.. there's no way I'd let myself to missed this beautiful occasion again!
For Schedule of events: http://www.bbg.org/exp/cherries/sakura.html
See you all this weekend at (Brooklyn We Go Hard!) -LOL,
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oh My Lord!!!
How can I keep up with these awesome concerts all around the city!
Guess who's performing this June?? (I think I give the answer away already. Hint: Title!)
YES! YES! YES! The Canadian indie band: M.E.T.R.I.C........!!!
They will perform songs like "Combat Baby" (one of my favs!), Live It Out, and Dead Disco at Terminal 5, NYC on June 17, 2009.
Ticket price: $22.50 (advance) and $ 27.50 (the day of the show)
Door opens at 7:00 PM and show hopefully starts around 8:00 PM with opening act by Canadian musician, Sebastien Grainger.
I saw their performance last year at the APW festival and instantly fall in love with Emily (the vocalist). To say the least... she's a great performer! (If you don't believe me, just come to the concert on June! and I can proof you in many ways.. lol)
Alright, I can not talk much about it coz I'm still in awe over the news.
Monday, April 27, 2009
"Google" in Braile?

Talking about creativity!!
It's still early in the morn' (9:10 AM to be exact!) and I'm sitting here in front of my computer starin'- browsin'- clickin'.
The first thing I noticed was the cool Google's website in alphabet for the blind!
I was thinking that this logo is useless and serves no purpose for the blind because is in monitor. (We can't run our fingers on it to fully understand what it means.)
Then, I randomly clicked the logo (knowing that it wouldn't work anyway.. but it turned out that it gives out more information about why Google changed its logo for today!)
So, the reason why the company did the change is because today, April 27 marked the birthday of Samuel Morse! (The inventor of single wire telegraph!) He was born on April 27, 1791.. If he's still alive, he would be 218 years of age... sayyyyyy whattt?
At any rate, I just want to express my appreciation to this beautiful Monday because I learn new different things each day! hahaha...
sayyyy double whaatttt-whaattt???
Sunday, April 26, 2009
"One Root?" Woot..Woot..
Happy Sunday Everyone!
What a beautiful morning here in New York City! The weather outside is 78 degrees!
OH GEEZ, time to put on my swimwear..! (but I think I have to go to the gym first before I brave myself for a skimpy swimswear..) errrrrrgh...
OH GEEZ, time to put on my swimwear..! (but I think I have to go to the gym first before I brave myself for a skimpy swimswear..) errrrrrgh...
Anywhom... yesterday I went to my lil' brother's, Omar, premier movie called "Satu Rumpun?" or "One Root?" for the English translation.
It's a new Indonesian comedy movie directed by Arci Fadillah (a film graduate student from the state). I don't really know about this fella, hence, I will talk more about the movie... lol!
At first, I was debating whether the movie is worth to watch or not because COMMON', it's my brother... yaaa knowww! gonna be awkward seeing him in a huge movie screen. but of course, to show some love and respect, I went anyway with my two little nieces, Nadia and Dominique to "Cinema Anthology, Downtown New York" for the premier.
It turned out that the movie is funny like W.H.O.A! There were some scenes that people just laugh their long out. (without realizing that we're in a movie theater!) "You know who you are.. NAMI, please stand up!" hahahaha...
I heard that the movie will be playing in some part of Indonesia like Jakarta and Surabaya sometimes in May and June. Sooo... Indo-peeps, don't feel left out coz you guys will also SOON have the leisure to watch this Movie.
If any of you curious enough about the movie, just check 'em on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAdcqxvb-Zk
HEYYYAA... my Brother is somewhat a movie star now! LOL. Holla at yaa' Marskiii.! Below, is one of the scene when Samseng "the other main character" cried about his pitty-pathetic life. (apperently, Samseng cried A LOT! so much of a MAN there.. lol)
my brother is the one with blue plaid!

Friday, April 24, 2009
Brandon Boyd is P.S.T!!!!! (Pretty Sexy Thangggg!)

Why is so BLAH at work?
I’m sleepy, tired, and of course cranky, perhaps due to the HOT HOT HOT weather outside!
It's 67 degrees, outside! better take out my sun-glasses!
However, these symtoms become quite the opposite after I browsed one of my regular music websites.
I found out that the great INCUBUS are comin’ to the Big Apple!! The band will rock Radio City Music Hall on August 4 and August 5, 2009 at 8 PM! Ticket price ranges between $40ish to $70ish...
As London Tipton from Suite life of Zac and Cody said, “YAY ME!” lol.. (DUH! too much of Nickelodeon here..!)
I can admire and express my strong feelings for Brandon Boyd live on stage!!! hopefully, I'll get lucky that night and get some authograph or somethin'!

So who else is goin’?
for ticket purchasing, go to http://www.ticketmaster.com/
for more Incubus tour schedule, go to http://www.enjoyincubus.com/
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hello readers..
I just got back from London and Amsterdam, hence.. I haven't been able to write as much as I wanted to. (detail stories from this vacation will be up in a timely manner!) LOL.
but for now, I'd like to gabble about this email from KEEP company "OH NO! AGAIN!"
Today is all about the eminent-kicks called "THE SHAHEEN"!

I totally totally totally in love with the canvas ankle length boot! (comes in various colors and prints!)
If any of you want to be my generous contributor, you may purchase it online from http://www.keepcompany.com/ for $80
let me know if you want detail info about my shoe size or where to send the shoe.. LOL!
Hint: My favorite is the "Navy Cordlane" with the classic black&white stripes! *BIG GRIN*

Sunday, April 12, 2009
MIND THE GAP (fresh from LONDON!)
Greetings to you all,
So yeahh.. I'm fortunate enough to travel to London in this difficult times of year. (THANK YOU LORD!)
Anyhow, I'm pretty dissapointed for the fact that I missed couple of good events or attractions here!
Before I go to London, I googled the hypest event thats gonna takes place during my visit!
and GUESS WHAT???? the amazing ROYSKOPP and PEACHES will have (errrghh, or should I rephrase to "HAD") their concert at SouthBank Center, London! (alongside many other great singers,musicians,bands)
From April 10th - 24th, Ether Festival will spoil Londoners of all ages to enjoy one of the great music festivals of all times!! The great line up for this year such as David Byrne, Brian Eno, Jon Hassell, The Juan MacLean, Chateau Flight and the London Sinfonietta and the Orchestra of the Age of The Enlightenment and of course Peaches and Royskopp have been filled the month of April in London with exciting tunes and musics.
I totally missed Royskopp gig due to the infamous "SOLD-OUT" terminology! ughhhh.. my heart broke to pieces when I found out that all the tickets for last saturday were chuckout! OH WELL.. I'll keep myself busy infront of this monitor to find great music scene in London for the month of April.. (the weather outside is foggy anyway and it has been raining all day long..) London's weather definetely unpredictable, MATE!
If you guys have any interest in this festival, check this out: http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/festivals-series/ether
So yeahh.. I'm fortunate enough to travel to London in this difficult times of year. (THANK YOU LORD!)
Anyhow, I'm pretty dissapointed for the fact that I missed couple of good events or attractions here!
Before I go to London, I googled the hypest event thats gonna takes place during my visit!
and GUESS WHAT???? the amazing ROYSKOPP and PEACHES will have (errrghh, or should I rephrase to "HAD") their concert at SouthBank Center, London! (alongside many other great singers,musicians,bands)
From April 10th - 24th, Ether Festival will spoil Londoners of all ages to enjoy one of the great music festivals of all times!! The great line up for this year such as David Byrne, Brian Eno, Jon Hassell, The Juan MacLean, Chateau Flight and the London Sinfonietta and the Orchestra of the Age of The Enlightenment and of course Peaches and Royskopp have been filled the month of April in London with exciting tunes and musics.
I totally missed Royskopp gig due to the infamous "SOLD-OUT" terminology! ughhhh.. my heart broke to pieces when I found out that all the tickets for last saturday were chuckout! OH WELL.. I'll keep myself busy infront of this monitor to find great music scene in London for the month of April.. (the weather outside is foggy anyway and it has been raining all day long..) London's weather definetely unpredictable, MATE!
If you guys have any interest in this festival, check this out: http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/festivals-series/ether
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What happened to the springtime saying, “April showers bring may flowers?”
Current weather conditions and forecasts in New York are quite unpredictable. Just this morning in the beginning of Aries/Taurus month, the snowstorm hit the Big Apple only for a few minutes. Now, (of course) the sun makes its mellow appearance over the earth (AGAIN).
Should I sing the good ole song by Annie:
“The sun will come out, tomorrow
Current weather conditions and forecasts in New York are quite unpredictable. Just this morning in the beginning of Aries/Taurus month, the snowstorm hit the Big Apple only for a few minutes. Now, (of course) the sun makes its mellow appearance over the earth (AGAIN).
Should I sing the good ole song by Annie:
“The sun will come out, tomorrow
Bet your bottom that tomrrow, there'll be sun
Just thinking about, tomorrow
Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow,
Til there's none.”
Anyway, talking about mellow and things of this nature… I bought a ticket to the tuneful SANTOGOLD concert!! (HEYYYAA, do you think the aforementioned paragraph related to the next one? I don’t think is a good transition sentence choice.)
BLAH! Back to Santogold-MODE… Wait up.. not forget to mention, she changed her stage name to Santigold sometimes last February.. (I hope I didn’t make anyone confused)
Her show will takes place on June 9th, 2009 at Terminal 5. and NO! this time, I did not purchase the ticket because of the impulse buying rigidity but simply because I’m a huge fan of her! (Honestly, I think that M.I.A. and Santogold are the hottest goddesses from paradise!!) I’ve been listening to the MagZing (MAGnificent-amaZING) artist for years now. ~yes, I just made up a new word. Teheeehehe..
Anyway, talking about mellow and things of this nature… I bought a ticket to the tuneful SANTOGOLD concert!! (HEYYYAA, do you think the aforementioned paragraph related to the next one? I don’t think is a good transition sentence choice.)
BLAH! Back to Santogold-MODE… Wait up.. not forget to mention, she changed her stage name to Santigold sometimes last February.. (I hope I didn’t make anyone confused)
Her show will takes place on June 9th, 2009 at Terminal 5. and NO! this time, I did not purchase the ticket because of the impulse buying rigidity but simply because I’m a huge fan of her! (Honestly, I think that M.I.A. and Santogold are the hottest goddesses from paradise!!) I’ve been listening to the MagZing (MAGnificent-amaZING) artist for years now. ~yes, I just made up a new word. Teheeehehe..

So, I called one of my lil’ sweethearts who happened to just get her Monroe piercing (her name is Nami), and in a high-pitchy voice I informed her about the concert. We both were so hyped! And, within the blink of an eye, we bought the tickets!
Come and join us to Santogold festivity! Pull out your colorful-funky-attractive outfits and dance to “Creator”, “Shove it”, “L.E.S. Artistes”, “You’ll find the way” while having fun with your family and friends (cuz this gig opens for ALL AGES!) YEAY!
For more information:
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
the vigorous L - for "LADYTRON"
Recession.. Whaaatt????
In this financial turbulence, one may thinks that he or she should save up money, perhaps brush up skills for next job hunting, put aside the unimportance and place top priorities etc etc etc etc
ME, on the other hand... has been L.O.L or I shall say... Living Out Loud!!! (I’m not saying it proudly, but rather ashamed of my own habit.)
So here's what happened last last week. I purchased a ticket to Ladytron/ The Faint (with opening by Crocodiles and FIGO DJS) concert at Webster Hall on April 10th, 2009! I was sooo excited to dance my heart away with tunes like "Burning Up" or "Tommorow"...
Hence, I got cought up in TRON-HYPE kinda situation and unfortunately, engaged in the notorious impulse buying! (errrr…) Without thinking much further, I clicked the "buy ticket NOW" icon and in a matter of seconds, I got the ticket!
In this financial turbulence, one may thinks that he or she should save up money, perhaps brush up skills for next job hunting, put aside the unimportance and place top priorities etc etc etc etc
ME, on the other hand... has been L.O.L or I shall say... Living Out Loud!!! (I’m not saying it proudly, but rather ashamed of my own habit.)
So here's what happened last last week. I purchased a ticket to Ladytron/ The Faint (with opening by Crocodiles and FIGO DJS) concert at Webster Hall on April 10th, 2009! I was sooo excited to dance my heart away with tunes like "Burning Up" or "Tommorow"...
Hence, I got cought up in TRON-HYPE kinda situation and unfortunately, engaged in the notorious impulse buying! (errrr…) Without thinking much further, I clicked the "buy ticket NOW" icon and in a matter of seconds, I got the ticket!

common, it's LADYTRON, sha.. u duffus..! nothing can go wrong with that...!
Alright, here’s when the dilemma parts came to the picture. Due to long spring break from school, I randomly decided to go out of the country for two weeks and that means I will miss the Ladytron concert. (DUH! I purchased the tix already!) Subsequently… AGAIN, I experienced the irresistible urge for the airplane ticket… (OH GOSH.. really! I have to stop this tendency of “living-the-moment in toto”)
Anyhow, to make the long story short, I tried to resell my Ladytron ticket but have no luck at all! I was planning to sell the tix for $15 or $20 –flat!! ARGH! So much so of uncertainties here…
For more info about the concert, go to:
Monday, April 6, 2009
Yearn to Posses: The Elias!

'Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!'
YES! whenever monday comes, I usually think about this quote from the movie "Office Space" with Ron Livingston and Jennifer Aniston.
Still in my sleepy mode at the office, I received an email from KEEP company unveiling their new model... "THE ELIAS"..
Cursed you KEEP company! why you have to produce such alluring yet comfortable-chaussure in the midst of this financial turmoil..! arghhh, SERIOUSLY!
I've been a goodie-ol' loyal customer of the shoe company since 2007-ish when I bought my first shoe called "The Nuss". My nussy-nuss fits superbly and feels like I'm walking on sunshine..
and yes.. you can imagine me singin' and yelling the song by Katrina and the Waves whenever I wear my nussy-nuss..
"woah yeh!I'm walking on sunshine ,
wooah.. I'm walking on sunshine, woooah
I'm walking on sunshine, woooah..
and don't it feel good!!"
AHEM! ok, back to the amazing "THE ELIAS"... the website describes it as "new hi-top shines with a streamlined design and minimal padding. Cotton canvas with a velcro ankle strap and vulcanized sole."
NO KIDDING!! just by reading their descriptions, makes me wanting the shoe to a much greater extent!
At any rate... just go to http://www.keepcompany.com/ for more information.
The price for "The Elias" is merely $95/pair (still pricey compare to the other types)
Nevertheless, I'll purchase this hot-thangg when my next pay check comes in! YIPPIE!!
PS: I'm the one who wears the plaid shirt, crazy-pink bandada, mini hot-skirt and a kick-a*s green NUSS.
the next picture is the "watermelon" edition that already on my evergrowing wish-list! nyahaha!
Toodles all...!
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