Talking about creativity!!
It's still early in the morn' (9:10 AM to be exact!) and I'm sitting here in front of my computer starin'- browsin'- clickin'.
The first thing I noticed was the cool Google's website in alphabet for the blind!
I was thinking that this logo is useless and serves no purpose for the blind because is in monitor. (We can't run our fingers on it to fully understand what it means.)
Then, I randomly clicked the logo (knowing that it wouldn't work anyway.. but it turned out that it gives out more information about why Google changed its logo for today!)
So, the reason why the company did the change is because today, April 27 marked the birthday of Samuel Morse! (The inventor of single wire telegraph!) He was born on April 27, 1791.. If he's still alive, he would be 218 years of age... sayyyyyy whattt?
At any rate, I just want to express my appreciation to this beautiful Monday because I learn new different things each day! hahaha...
sayyyy double whaatttt-whaattt???
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