Once again, thank you for spending 3 minutes (at most) out of your time to read this blog. LOL!
I know.. I know.. I haven't been able to update this blog more frequently.. (I Should tho!) but I think now it's the best time to gabble lil' bit bout stuff that come across my mind...
So yeah, I just purchased the Polly Pocket Barbie Hills Special Edition 1994 from the internet. I've secretly been wanting this doll for so long.. then, I save.. I save.. and I finally have the financial ability to afford Vintage Barbie. It took me awhile to venture out different stores just to find this specific Barbie Edition.

Anyway, fortunate enough... I am able to get this collection at this very critical moment in my life!! (ohh.. exaggeration!)
However... (UH OH!) now, I'm coveting in something else... well, still occupying my mind with my new kick-a*s Barbie.. Nonetheless... now I want another edition!! While, I'm browsing Barbie Collector website just for fun, (Trust me.. I'm still aware of my "mature" age. hummm whatever that means! LOL) I found out that Mattel launch a new Barbie edition of "STAR TREK"!
Star Trek doll price is: $43 plus tax and plus shipping if you purchase it from barbiecollector.com
I became sort of a Star Trek fan after watching the '09 movie with couple of my friends not so long ago! (Believe it or not, I'm not a Sci-Fi person, yet I do respect all kinds of different movie genres.. EXCEPT HOROR movies.. can't stand 'em!) Anywayyyy, back to Star Trek, the doll is the creation of Bill Greening. He's been designing Barbie for years, especially the Collectors ones. I like some of his designs including All of the Wizard of Oz collections and the Jazz doll - Grand Dame.
Kudos to Mr, Greening for making such beautiful creations!LONG. LIVE. and PROSPER!

Toodlee-o, 'Sha
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