Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lady, who are you waiting for?

Title: Portrait of the Lady in Pink (Mrs. Leslie Cotton) by William Merritt Chase

I went to Rhode Island School of Design Museum last weekend and this oil on canvas painting really captured my eyes. look at the details of the dress... oh divine perfections!
What I like about this painting is the use of color and space. simple pink and simple background.
Surprisingly, another work by Mr. Chase can also be viewed in Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY. titled "Lady in Black" (guess who's the subject? of course the respectable Mrs. Leslie Cotton)

The above painting reminds me of my computer's screensaver at work, "Pink Ribbon Barbie Doll". I've been wanting this Barbie for the longest but the price kills me most. Anyhooo, I'm still available for your contributions at any time. nyaahahaha. :]

xx: 'Sha


  1. aaacchhh curaaanngg!!! gue kan mau ke rhode island :[ ngek ngek. hauhauha btw, hepi banget yak di rhode island! SEXY TIME! lol

  2. sebenernya cuman 10 menit di meseum karna udah mau tutup.. hahahaa tipuuu khan??? (my name is khan!) lohh kokk? nyahaha :)

  3. ahahaha u went to RISD toh... gmn, ketemu cowo ge gak?
