Back off Barney! It's Alexander McQueen purple backless gown!

xx: 'Sha
Back off Barney! It's Alexander McQueen purple backless gown!
This is me at Curly's~ teasing my bestgurl to stop drawing cuz her drawing suckface! lmao!
whattyuuu waiting for? get your arse up and enjoy the city vibe this December!
So readers, no matter what age brackets you are in... I'm gladly welcome you all to this Wild celebration!
Star Trek doll price is: $43 plus tax and plus shipping if you purchase it from barbiecollector.com
I became sort of a Star Trek fan after watching the '09 movie with couple of my friends not so long ago! (Believe it or not, I'm not a Sci-Fi person, yet I do respect all kinds of different movie genres.. EXCEPT HOROR movies.. can't stand 'em!) Anywayyyy, back to Star Trek, the doll is the creation of Bill Greening. He's been designing Barbie for years, especially the Collectors ones. I like some of his designs including All of the Wizard of Oz collections and the Jazz doll - Grand Dame.
Kudos to Mr, Greening for making such beautiful creations!Toodlee-o, 'Sha
I'm so ecstatic about the news! I saw their gig last June as an opening act for M.I.A. Oui..oui.. I'm a huge huge huge fan of her! "Shout out for Maya: Congratulations for your newborn baby!! many blessings and wishes to welcome your baby boy into your wonderful life!!"
ehemmmm... yeahhh, Holy Fu*k captured my attention with their cool and awesome beats, especially when they played "Lovely Allen"... I felt like, I instantly fall into deep hypnotic rhythmical sounds!
When I went there last month, I indulged myself with (so far) the best POFFERTJES ever!, Manneken Pis fries, munchies I bought from FEBO (oui.. it was very "DE LEKKERSTE...!") and more more more foods.. I believe, I instantly gained weight for only 4 days! Hence, I go to the gym pretty often now to recuperate from food-sin! LOL..
I remember vividly as a child about my excitement whenever I ate Poffertjes! (It's one of my favorite desserts!) I grew up in Jakarta, Indonesia for more than 10 years! It's pretty common there to find Holland-y dishes since the country was colonized by Dutch for some 300 years. Below, it's Poffertjes with chocolate syrup, especially for moi! YUMMY!AHHH.. These chuncky fries from Manneken Pis were crispy and fresh buried in Mayo with chopped Onions and Curry Sauce! At first, I was hesitating.. but ended up show some lovin'! The idea of mixing all sauces together is very peculiar for me. but HEY! food is food.. and is all GOED!