Guess where I went last night after work?
Yes! Yes! from the title, you probably can guess: Elizabeth Gilbert book signing at Barnes & Noble UNION SQUARE (33 East 17th Street). I read her book couple of years ago when TIME Magazine listed Mrs. Gilbert as one of the world's most influentional people alongside the Dalai Lama and Macworld Tycoon, Steve Jobs.
Starts at 7 PM, the event is a casual meet&greet of her new book Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage. During the reading, she read couple of pages about how the Homeland Security or described as "Officer Tom" became her cupid of marriage with Felipe. I was touched by only several pages, Imagine if I read the whole book?! Personally, I had a difficult moment as well with the Homeland Security. I can somewhat relate to Mrs. Gilbert's story because these officers also took my Mother away when she tried to enter the U.S. due to visa's issues. I struggled my way of living (by myself.. of course!) without my parents in a new land, new family, new friends, and new comfort zone.

OH MY GOSH! why I become so EMOTIONAL all of the sudden? OK back to Mrs. Gilbert.... at the end of the event, she signed books for the audiences. Honestly, I was all shaky and nervous when I was in line for her authograph. The security had to console me because I was beyond excited!
Then I had my chance to stand right infront of her and casually chatted for 10 seconds! but that was the most precious 10 seconds of my life. I greeted her with Indonesian Language knowing that she spent sometime living in Bali. She was pretty impressed with my "Selamat Malam, Ibu." (trans. Good evening, Mam.) Then, I told her that I've been waiting for a moment like this! I said that I had initially bought a special Batik dress for her that I've been keeping for almost 2 years! But, unfortunately I didn't bring it with me. (trust me, I am willing to go the extra miles for someone whom I adore.) At any rate, Stupid meee.. I forgot to bring the Batik dress due to personal reasoning A.K.A. woke-up-late-to-work-cuz-chatted-with-boyfriend-for-long-latehours-! (Sorry love, I just have to blame you on this one! I'm still pissed, I forgot to bring the Batik.) hahaha!
I am such a huge fan of hers, especially after I read Eat, Pray, Love. Indeed, the book-turned-into-a-movie is a woman's bible phenomenon. EPL sold 6 millions in the United States alone and adding another 1 million overseas! Mrs. Gilbert said that she was taken completely by surprise that Julia Roberts will play her role in the upcoming movie. I am so hyped for the movie coming out this Summer, also knowing that Javier Bardem will play as Felipe! Who wants to come with me????? :)

xx: 'Sha
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