Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fallin' in love all over again with DANCING!

"We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams." -Anonymous

The quote above rings true for many different aspects of life because it can be define in various levels. However, I'd like to interpret this quote as it is. Dance is a form of movement to express our feelings and emotions. Personally, If I dance, I relieve my stress and reduce my anger! (I can be very-berry-bitchyy-girl you've evaa seen!) lmaoo.

I JUST LOVE DANCING! The reason I post this entry because I went to an event on January 4th at 8 PM called Movement Research at the Judson Church! Oh my Lord! what a beautiful experience I had. I was surrounded by dancers from around New York Areas: Uptown, Downtown, Midtown, you name it!

When I first got there, I was thinking to myself.. "..this is a very beautiful church, look at this Italian Renaissance interior! how lovely!" Then I found out that the 55 Washinton Sq. South Church is usually rent as an art/performance venue.
Then my admiration continued till the end of the dance performance... I'm AMAZED!
The evening featured performances by Jillian Peña, Tadashi Kato, Molly Lieber & Eleanor Smith, and Jennifer Monson & Yvonne Meier.

The first piece by Jilian Peña was somesort of icebreakers for the audiences. The four dancers (each with an ipod and headphone) pulled four audiences to perform with them. I love their slow languid movement and beautiful poses. For me, it was soothing in a way. For the most part, they dance without music but still manage to coordinate their chareograph.
I really like the second dancepiece by Tadashi Kato called "Beyond Intolerance". It potrayed the various forms of intolerance in the world. His footwork and body movement were breathtaking at times. I like how he used people's voices and form a dance to deliver the message.

The third performance was more upbeat with accompanying instruments (drum&organs).
Molly Lieber and Eleanor Smith performed a piece called "Hora" which is a traditional dance of Romania and Israel.. but of course, they put a modern twist in it!
Jennifer Monson & Yvonne Meier concluded the evening with their contemporary animal-like choreograph. They jumped, do the High kicks, Grand Plié / Demi-Plié, swings, twirl, and much much more!
Overall, I had a great experience watching them.. I like to go to dance shows but never really picture something like this. Fortunate for us New Yorkers, their shows will last till February! just keep it tuned to: http://www.movementresearch.org/

xx: 'Sha

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